Kink Education & Private Events

Private Lessons & Coaching

I offer private lessons for individuals, couples, or small groups who wish to develop skills and confidence in flogging, whip throwing, and exploring power dynamics. These lessons allow us room to really focus on technical skills in ways that large classes cannot.

Individual Private Lesson

$150 per hour

Couples Private Lesson

$300 per hour

Groups (3-5) Group Lesson

$400 per hour

BIPOC and/or SWer Lessons

Please email me at for a rate. I will always work to make the resources I have as accessible as possible.

Private Events & Parties

Throwing a private event, birthday, bachelor, or bachelorette party? Want to add a kinky twist?

I have worked at several New York City event venues to perform safe, public kink play. My specialties include public floggings and whip cracking performances, and I have a team of friends including top tier riggers, wax and sensation play enthusiasts, and impact tops.

We have experience navigating spaces with people unfamiliar to kink and are specialists in creating comfortable, safe, and fun introductions.